7 900 € TTC

Next sessions: 8 January to 26 April 2024

Duration: 4 months

Interior decorator training :


The training offered by the Colombe Marciano agency aims to train participants in the profession of Interior Decorator, providing them with a solid foundation and the knowledge they need to practise the profession.
The course is run by an interior architect for future interior designers. It is the fruit of several years’ work and experience.


Colombe, your trainer and the agency’s manager, has also gone through a career change in this field, and will be able to give you the keys to success in your own.


For a complete and varied training programme, she will be accompanied by the agency’s 3 interior designers, as well as various external contributors who will share their technical knowledge in their field of expertise.
The agency also offers other training courses, which have been in place for several years now.

The benefits of the course :

A Professional and Adapted Approach

The training is given by a working professional, Colombe, who will share her experience with you and support you with her team. The course's many practical case studies will help you immerse yourself in the profession, and the distance learning days will also allow you to maintain your own pace of life outside the classroom.

Certification of a top-of-the-range agency

La Formation can provide you with the certification of a top-of-the-range interior design agency that has been in business for several years in Lyon and throughout France: a guarantee of quality for your future development.

Individual follow-up

Training is given in small groups of no more than 6 people per session. In this way, we can offer you personalised support as you put together your project file, as well as your career transition.

Comprehensive training materials

The training materials provided to you during the course have been carefully designed by the entire team. They contain all the information you need to complete what you have learned.

Involvement of stakeholders

Several external speakers take part in the course. Their role is to develop specific points of the course. You'll be able to talk to them about issues such as feng shui, emotional management, accounting and building sites.

The following skills will be developed during the course :

Learning the fundamentals of the interior design profession.

Proficiency in 3D modelling, 2D presentation and photo-realistic software.

Business management in the decoration sector.

A 4-month course designed for people who are retraining to become interior decorators.

Module 1: Introduction to the interior design profession (1 month)


  • Analysis and discovery of the study project: Drawing up specifications, a survey and a floor plan.
  • Styles and history of design: Learn about the artistic trends of the 20th century, colour analysis and an introduction to fengshui.
  • Introduction to technical drawing plans: Understanding and producing technical plans by hand, ergonomics in space, and a focus on joinery and kitchen plans.
  • Creative approach: Study of materials and brands, creation of furniture plans and inspirations.
Il s'agit d'une formation dispensée par une architecte d'intérieur, pour de futurs décorateurs d'intérieur. Elle est le fruit de plusieurs années de travail et d'expérience. Colombe, votre formatrice et gérante de l'agence, est aussi passée par la reconversion dans le domaine, et saura vous donner les clés pour réussir dans la vôtre.
Il s'agit d'une formation dispensée par une architecte d'intérieur, pour de futurs décorateurs d'intérieur. Elle est le fruit de plusieurs années de travail et d'expérience. Colombe, votre formatrice et gérante de l'agence, est aussi passée par la reconversion dans le domaine, et saura vous donner les clés pour réussir dans la vôtre.
Module 2: Technical and design phase (1 month)


  • Study and produce technical plans by hand: Study of the different types of technical plans, sections and elevations, focusing on lighting (types and layout).


  • Drawing techniques: Learning to produce simple sketches and perspectives, colouring, representation of materials, notions of proportions, drawing outputs.


  • Project organisation and monitoring: The concepts of DQE, planning, the phases of a project.
Module 3: Learning 3D modelling, 2D drawing design and photorealism software (1 month)


  • Sketchup – 3D modelling software: Sketchup interface, 3D modelling, texture and component management, creation of plans, sections and scenes.


  • Layout – 2D design and presentation software : Layout interface, management of tool palettes, creation and organisation your client file.


  • Twinmotion – Photorealism software: Creation of photorealistic 3D views.
Il s'agit d'une formation dispensée par une architecte d'intérieur, pour de futurs décorateurs d'intérieur. Elle est le fruit de plusieurs années de travail et d'expérience. Colombe, votre formatrice et gérante de l'agence, est aussi passée par la reconversion dans le domaine, et saura vous donner les clés pour réussir dans la vôtre.
Il s'agit d'une formation dispensée par une architecte d'intérieur, pour de futurs décorateurs d'intérieur. Elle est le fruit de plusieurs années de travail et d'expérience. Colombe, votre formatrice et gérante de l'agence, est aussi passée par la reconversion dans le domaine, et saura vous donner les clés pour réussir dans la vôtre.
Module 4: Business - The keys to success (1 month)


  • Business: Study of the decoration market, commercial documents, customer management, defining development objectives, profitability, services and fees, how to promote yourself.


  • Accounting: Creating a business plan, defining your company status.


  • Building site: Building foundations, budget estimates, back planning, site monitoring and acceptance.
Module 5: Finalising the project file and final jury (1 month)


The 3 weeks following the end of the course will be devoted to working on the individual project file, which will be assessed. This dossier will be due at the end of the 3rd week, in pdf format and on paper to be sent to us by recorded delivery. You will be sent an invitation to the exam, which you should bring with you on the day of the assessment.


At the end of the 4th week, you will present your project in front of an external jury.


You will be assessed on :

  • the coherence of your project
  • the quality of the rendering
  • mastery of the aesthetic and technical aspects of the plans
  • the relevance of your presentation.
Il s'agit d'une formation dispensée par une architecte d'intérieur, pour de futurs décorateurs d'intérieur. Elle est le fruit de plusieurs années de travail et d'expérience. Colombe, votre formatrice et gérante de l'agence, est aussi passée par la reconversion dans le domaine, et saura vous donner les clés pour réussir dans la vôtre.

Once the jury has deliberated and your application has been validated, you will be issued with a certificate of completion.

Training methods :


After contacting the agency, your application to take part in the course will be examined. An application form will then be sent to you, to be returned to us no later than 2 weeks before the course starts.

Place of training

The training is given near Lyon, on the premises of the Colombe Marciano agency, located at : Chlorofeel Coworking, Z.A Everest Parc, 2 rue Marcel Dassault, 69740 GENAS


The price of the Interior Decorator course is €7,900 including tax.

Payment is staggered as follows:

A deposit of 10% on confirmation of enrolment, 60% one week before the start of the course, 30% one month before the end of the course.

Please contact us if you would like to apply for reimbursement.

Pace of training

The course takes place over 4 months of face-to-face training, starting in January 2024, with a further 1 month of distance learning to prepare your project file and final presentation.

The 4 months of training - Typical week : 2 days of face-to-face classes on Mondays and Tuesdays and 3 days of distance learning: working on your project file independently.

5th month - Preparation for the Assessment and Final Jury: Progress of the project file independently, via distance learning. Final presentation in class.

The agency

Business registration number: 84691492869 - Siret: 82441738000048 - APE Code: 7410Z - INTRACOM VAT: FR84824417380

La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante : ACTIONS DE FORMATION
La certification qualité a été délivrée au titre de la catégorie d'action suivante : ACTIONS DE FORMATION